October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn mynd o’i gof.

Mae grŵp o diwtoriaid Cymraeg newydd gyrraedd ei westy, ac maen nhw eisoes wedi bod yn cywiro pawb a phopeth.

Does ganddyn nhw mo’r help.

Yn lle ymlacio yn y sba, maen nhw’n trefnu eu taflenni ac adnoddau ar y byrddau yn y fynedfa. Mae’r arweinydd yn ceisio perswadio’r enwog Julian Cope y dylai e fynychu dosbarth adfer i wellhau ei ramadeg. Ond mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn rhy gosmig i wneud hynny.

Mae Daf y gath yn dod o hyd i Dewi Sant yn ymguddio yn y storfa. Mae e’n llefain.

– Ma nhw’n disgwl i fi siarad fel beibl, meddai. – Ond alla i ddim.

“Does ganddyn nhw mo’r help.”

Saesneg / English


Saint David is going mad.

A group of Welsh tutors have just arrived at his hotel, and they have already been correcting everyone and everything.

They can’t help themselves.

Instead of relaxing in the spa, they are arranging their leaflets and resources on the tables in the entrance. The leader tries to persuade the famous Julian Cope that he should attend a remedial class to improve his grammar. But the famous Julian Cope is too cosmic to do that.

Dave the cat finds Saint David hiding in the store. He is crying.

– They expect me to speak like a bible, he said. – But I can’t.

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