October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn clywed sŵn sblasio yn dod o’r sba, ynghyd â cherddoriaeth wael.

Beth sy’n digwydd?

O diar.

Ar ôl iddo fe gwblhau’r gwaith adeiladu, mae’r Hen Dduw Odin yn parhau i aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant, ac mae e nawr yn arwain sesiwn erobeg dŵr yn y pwll nofio.

Roedd y gwesteion hŷn yn cael amser hyfryd hyd nes i’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr a’i efell Bryn Teribl ymuno a gor-gynhyrfu.

Maen nhw’n chwifio eu breichiau fel morloi a slapio wyneb y dŵr.

Mae mwy o slapio i ddod.

Mae Odin yn torri ar draws y sesiwn a rhoi slap i’r efeilliaid. Mae tawelwch, ac eithrio’r gerddoriaeth ombeidus.

“Maen nhw’n chwifio eu breichiau fel morloi a slapio wyneb y dŵr.”

Saesneg / English

Aqua aerobics

Dave the cat hears a splashing sound coming from the spa, along with bad music.

What’s happening?

Oh dear.

After completing the building work, the Old God Odin is continuing to stay at Saint David’s hotel, and he is now leading a water aerobics session in the swimming pool.

The older guests were having a lovely time until the famous Owain Glyndŵr and his twin Bryn Teribl joined in and got over-excited.

They wave their arms like seals and slap the surface of the water.

There is more slapping to come.

Odin interrupts the session and gives the twins a slap. There is silence, except for the terrible music.

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