October 17, 2024

Gweithiodd Odin tan berfeddion nos er mwyn iddo fe gwblhau’r sba newydd ar gyfer gwesty Dewi Sant. Bydd y costau y tu hwnt i’r dychymyg.

Er mai Hen Dduw yw e, nid yw Odin yn adeiladwr dawnus. Siambls yw’r sba newydd, â dweud y gwir. Dyw’r teils ddim yn syth, ac mae’r gwaith trydan yn siŵr o fod yn anghyfreithlon. Dyw Odin ddim yn cynnig tystysgrifau diogelwch.

Ond dyna ni. Mae’r pwll nofio yn llawn, ac mae Daf y gath yn cadw draw o’r dŵr.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl am wneud cwpl o hydoedd cyn i westeion yr wythnos gyrraedd, ac mae e’n gwisgo ei rwymynnau breichiau yn benodol at y diben hwnnw. Mae e’n rhedeg tuag at ochr y pwll a neidio i mewn fel bom. O diar.

“Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl am wneud cwpl o hydoedd.”

Saesneg / English

Swimming pool

Odin worked late into the night to complete the new spa for Saint David’s hotel. The costs will be beyond all imagining.

Although he is an Old God, Odin is not a gifted builder. The new spa is a shambles, to be honest. The tiles are not straight, and the electrical work is probably illegal. Odin does not offer safety certificates.

But there we are. The swimming pool is full, and Dave the cat is keeping away from the water.

The famous Bryn Teribl wants to do a couple of lengths before the week’s guests arrive, and he is wearing his armbands specifically for that purpose. He runs towards the side of the pool and jumps in like a bomb. Oh dear.

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