October 17, 2024

“Yn ddiweddar, treuliais i wythnos yng ngwesty Dewi Sant pan o’n i ar fy ngwyliau yn Sir Benfro.

Twll o le yw’r gwesty.

Ces i fy synnu gan bresenoldeb sawl ffigwr hanesyddol yn y gwesty. O’n i’n meddwl taw dim ond enw’r lle oedd Gwesty Dewi Sant, ond nac oedd; mewn gwirionedd, y Dewi Sant go iawn yw perchennog y gwesty. Yfwr yw e – dyw e byth yn sobr. Mae’r lle’n drewi o’i sigaréts.

Dim ond dau beth sydd ar gael i frecwast: tost a chwstard ofnadwy Santes Dwynwen. Dw i byth eisiau gweld cwstard byth eto.

Pan gyrhaeddais i’r gwesty, roedd yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn hynod o lyngyrog. Dyw hynny ddim yn broblem dim mwy, gan fy mod wedi ei ddilyngyru. Er hynny, pob lwc i bwy bynnag sydd am geisio rhoi triniaeth chwain iddo fe.

Fydda i ddim yn dychwelyd.”

“Dw i byth eisiau gweld cwstard byth eto.”

Saesneg / English

The vet’s review

“Recently, I spent a week at Saint David’s hotel when I was on holiday in Pembrokeshire.

The hotel is a dump.

I was surprised by the presence of several historical figures in the hotel. I thought that Saint David’s Hotel was just the name of the place, but it wasn’t; in fact, the real Saint David is the owner of the hotel. He is a drinker – he is never sober. The place stinks of his cigarettes.

There are only two things available for breakfast: toast and Saint Dwynwen’s terrible custard. I never want to see custard ever again.

When I arrived at the hotel, the famous Owain Glyndŵr had a terrible case of worms. That’s not a problem any more, as I’ve wormed him. However, good luck to whoever wants to try to give him a flea treatment.

I will not be returning.”

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