October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath am fynd i’r sêls. Mae hi eisiau dryll peiriannol newydd i helpu’r hela. Mae hi’n gobeithio y daw hi o hyd i fargen.

Oes drylliau peiriannol yn Home Bargains? Nac oes. Mae diodydd protein Hyperdrive Pre-workout, ond does dim drylliau peiriannol.

Oes drylliau peiriannol yn Aldi? Nac oes. Mae offer weldio a thrombonau yn Aldi, ond does dim drylliau peiriannol.

Felly ble all Jeff y gath brynu dryll peiriannol?

Arhoswch am funud. Dyma’r enwog Bryn Teribl. Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi bod yn brysur yn ei weithdy. Does dim angen i Jeff brynu dryll bellach. Neu dyna feddylia’r enwog Bryn Teribl.

Mewn gwirionedd, mae e wedi glynu cwpl o diwbiau cardbord at ei gilydd â selotêp.

Nôl â fi i’r sêls, meddylia Jeff.

“Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi bod yn brysur yn ei weithdy.”

Saesneg / English

The sales

Jeff the cat wants to go to the sales. She wants a new machine gun to help with hunting. She hopes she will find a bargain.

Are there machine guns at Home Bargains? No. There are Hyperdrive Pre-workout protein drinks, but there are no machine guns.

Are there machine guns at Aldi? No. There are welding equipment and trombones at Aldi, but no machine guns.

So where can Jeff the cat buy a machine gun?

Wait a minute. Here is the famous Bryn Teribl. The famous Bryn Teribl has been busy in his workshop. Jeff doesn’t need to buy a gun any more. Or so the famous Bryn Teribl thinks.

In reality, he has stuck a couple of cardboard tubes together with sellotape.

I’m off back to the sales, Jeff thinks.

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