October 16, 2024

Mae’r cathod yn dal i dreulio’r holl dwrci, a chysgu o dan y bwrdd yn y gegin.

Yn anffodus daeth yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr o hyd i siocledi Nadolig Santes Dwynwen. Anrheg gan Dewi Sant oedd y blwch o siocledi. Fe’u prynodd yng Nghaerfaddon, ac roedden nhw’n ddrud iawn.

Ond doedd y siocledi eu hunain o ddiddordeb i’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr, y lleban, ac arllwysodd e gynnwys y blwch dros y llawr i gyd.

Nawr, mae e’n defnyddio’r blwch fel garej ar gyfer ei geir bach newydd a gafodd e fel anrhegion oddi wrth yr enwog Julian Cope.

“Nawr, mae e’n defnyddio’r blwch fel garej ar gyfer ei geir bach newydd.”

Saesneg / English


The cats are still digesting all the turkey, and sleeping under the table in the kitchen.

Unfortunately the famous Owain Glyndŵr found Saint Dwynwen’s Christmas chocolates. The box of chocolates was a gift from Dewi Sant. He bought them in Bath, and they were very expensive.

But the chocolates themselves were not of interest to the famous Owain Glyndŵr, the buffoon, and he tipped the contents of the box out all over the floor.

Now, he is using the box as a garage for his new toy cars which he received as gifts from the famous Julian Cope.

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