October 16, 2024

Mae’r lectrig yng ngwesty Dewi Sant wedi stopio gweithio.

Pwy sy’n mynd i achub y dydd?

Dyma’r enwog Bryn Teribl, sy’n esgus bod yn drydanwr. Mae e’n hoff iawn o’r gêm yma. Does dim llefeleth gyda fe beth sydd angen, ond mae troswisg smart gyda fe, o leia.

Bydd yn ofalus, Bryn!

– Fi’n mynd i weiro popeth lan, meddai’r lleban operatig.

Yn anffodus mae e’n weirio’r cathod at ei gilydd. Maen nhw’n disgleirio rywfaint.

“Mae e’n hoff iawn o’r gêm yma.”

Saesneg / English


The electricity in Saint David’s hotel has stopped working.

Who is going to save the day?

It’s the famous Bryn Teribl, who is pretending to be an electrician. He likes this game a lot. He hasn’t the faintest idea what is needed, but he has smart overalls, at least.

Be careful, Bryn!

– I’m going to wire everything up, says the operatic buffoon.

Unfortunately he wires the cats together. They glow somewhat.

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