October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi ysgrifennu llythyr a’i anfon at Daf y gath yn y carchar.

Annwyl Daf,

Yn anffodus mae’r awdurdodau wedi cau’r ffatri bara am byth. Ni fydd mwy o sudd Glyndŵr, gan eu bod wedi hepgor y cerwyni eplesu i gyd. Am drasiedi.

Yr wyf wedi cael syniad da. Gwisgaf yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’i efell, yr afreolus Glyndŵr, fel cathod, ac yna dylai fod yn bosibl ymweld â chi a’u cyfnewid amdanoch yn gyfrinachol.

Pob hwyl

Dewi (Sant)

“Mae Dewi Sant wedi ysgrifennu llythyr a’i anfon at Daf y gath yn y carchar.”

Saesneg / English

Saint David’s Letter

Saint David has written a letter and sent it to Dave the cat in prison.

Dear Dave,

Unfortunately the authorities have closed the bread factory for good. There will be no more Glyndŵr juice, as they have discarded all the fermentation vats. What a tragedy.

I have had a good idea. I will dress the famous Bryn Terfel and his twin, the unruly Glyndŵr, as cats, and then it should be possible to visit you and secretly exchange them for you.


David (Saint)

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