October 16, 2024

Mae’r criw yn brysur iawn yn adeiladu ffatri newydd Daf y gath.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel wedi dod o hyd i gyflenwad sylweddol o benwisg diogelwch, y mae ei brydferthu gyda sticers o ddeinosoriaid.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr wedi bod yn palu’r sylfeini heb ormod o drafferth. Dyw e ddim wedi cael damwain eto.

Nid yw arlwyo Santes Dwynwen mor chwaethus. Mae pawb yn derbyn lwmpen o gaws a phowlen o gwstard am ginio.

– Beth am i ni gael brechdanau, o leia? gofyn Dewi Sant.

Ond does dim bara.

Dyna ni! Nod cyntaf y ffatri fydd cynhyrchu bara! Yna bydd yr arlwyo yn well.

“Mae Owain Glyndŵr wedi bod yn palu’r sylfeini heb ormod o drafferth.”

Saesneg / English


The crew are very busy building Dave the cat’s new factory.

The famous Bryn Terfel has found a substantial supply of safety headgear, which he is beautifying with dinosaur stickers.

Owain Glyndŵr has been digging the foundations without too much trouble. He hasn’t had an accident yet.

Saint Dwynwen’s catering is not so refined. Everyone receives a lump of cheese and a bowl of custard for lunch.

– How about we have sandwiches, at least? asked Saint David.

But there is no bread.

There we go! The first aim of the factory will be to produce bread! Then the catering will be better.

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