October 16, 2024

Ble mae’r enwog Julian Cope?

Yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel yw e.

Mae’r Crymych Arall yn llawn o bandas a sombis. Dyw’r enwog Julian Cope ddim yn teimlo’n saff. Dyw e ddim yn gallu rhedeg, achos taw dim ond un goes sydd gydag e.

O diar.

Ble mae coes arall yr enwog Julian Cope?

Mewn cwch ar wal harbwr.

O diar.

Saesneg / English

Where is Julian Cope?

Where is the famous Julian Cope?

He is in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.

The Other Crymych is full of pandas and zombies. The famous Julian Cope does not feel safe. He can’t run, because he only has one leg.

Oh dear.

Where is the other leg of the famous Julian Cope?

In a boat on a harbour wall.

Oh dear.

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