October 16, 2024

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn rhedeg marathon. Er ei fod e’n gwisgo ei arfwisg ysgafnaf, yn anffodus mae e’n teimlo’n flinedig iawn oherwydd iddo ddechrau’n orfrwdfrydig.

Ac mae e eisoes yn diflasu.

Yn sydyn mae e’n cofio hen fan Daf y gath.

Mae e’n gweld blwch cardbord wrth ymyl y ffordd, tynnu lluniau o bedair olwyn arno, a dringo i mewn.

Dyna welliant!

Mae e’n rhuthro ymaith ar garlam.

“Dyna welliant.”

Saesneg / English


Owain Glyndŵr is running a marathon. Although he is wearing his lightest armour, unfortunately he feels very tired because he started off too enthusiastically.

And he’s already bored.

Suddenly he remembers Dave the cat’s old van.

He sees a cardboard box by the side of the road, draws four wheels on it, and climbs in.

That’s better!

He speeds off at a gallop.

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