October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen am fynd yn ôl i’r tir sych. Mae hi wedi cael hen ddigon o fod mewn cwch yng nghwmni’r enwog Julian Cope a Daf y gath.

Mae Julian Cope yn chwyrnu’n ombeidus.

Does dim dianc.

Efallai daliodd e annwyd yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.

Efallai bod llid y sinysau arno fe.

Pwy a ŵyr.

Yn sydyn, mae’r cwch yn symud i wal harbwr. Mae Santes Dwynwen a’r enwog Julian Cope wedi diflannu. Wel, mae’r rhan fwyaf o Julian Cope wedi diflannu. Mae un o’i goesau’n dal i fod yn y cwch.

Fydd ‘na ddim mwy o chwyrnu heddiw, o leia.

Fydd ‘na ddim mwy o chwyrnu heddiw, o leia.”

Saesneg / English


Santes Dwynwen wants to go back to shore. She has had enough of being in a boat in the company of the famous Julian Cope and Dave the cat.

Julian Cope snores terribly.

There is no escape.

Maybe he caught a cold in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.

Maybe he has sinusitis.

Who knows.

Suddenly, the boat moves to a harbour wall. Saint Dwynwen and the famous Julian Cope have disappeared. Well, the greater part of Julian Cope has disappeared. One of his legs is still in the boat.

At least there won’t be any more snoring today.

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