October 16, 2024

Yn ôl ei arfer, mae Owain Glyndŵr yn rhedeg o gwmpas yn wyllt. Mae e mor, mor hapus pan mae e’n rhedeg.

Mae Dewi Sant yn siaso’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr trwy labordy Daf y gath.

Yn anffodus, mae Gwir Dywysog Cymru’n baglu dros Daf y gath a chwympo i mewn i beiriant clonio.

O diar.

Mae Dewi Sant yn gwaethygu’r sefyllfa gan faglu dros Jeff y gath a gwasgu botwm coch y peiriant ar ddamwain.

O diar.

Cyn bo hir, a pheidiwch â gofyn sut felly, mae’r peiriannau clonio wedi cynhyrchu miliwn o Oweiniau Glyndŵr.

– O wel, meddai Daf y gath. – Nid dyna shwt wen i’n bwriadu creu miliwn o siaradwyr Cwmrâg, ond bydd rhaid i’ nhw wneud y tro.

– Sana i’n hollol sicr gall e siarad, hyd yn oed. Synno fe byth yn gweud dim byd, etyb Jeff, – Y cwbl ma fe’n neud yw rhedeg yn afreolus a brefu.

Yn y labordy, mae’r filiwn o Oweiniau’n dechrau brefu fel gwartheg. Mae’n fyddarol.

Sawl clôn Owain Glyndŵr

Saesneg / English

A million princes

As usual, Owain Glyndŵr is running around wildly. He is so, so happy when he runs.

Saint David chases the famous Owain Glyndŵr through Dave the cat’s laboratory.

Unfortunately, the True Prince of Wales trips over Dave the cat and falls into a cloning machine.

Oh dear.

Saint David makes the situation worse by tripping over Jeff the cat and accidentally pressing the red button on the machine.

Oh dear.

Before long, and don’t ask how, the cloning machines have produced a million Owain Glyndŵrs.

– Oh well, says Dave the cat. – That’s not how I intended to create a million Welsh speakers, but they will have to do.

– I’m not totally sure he can even speak. He never says anything, says Jeff, – All he does is run uncontrollably and bellow.

In the laboratory, the million Owens begin to bellow like cattle. It’s deafening.

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