October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn parhau â’i chynllun i greu miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg drwy eu clonio nhw yn ei labordy.

Mae hi wedi dod i gytundeb gyda’r enwog Bryn Terfel drwy gyfaddawdu ynglŷn ag adeiladu llwyfan yn y labordy.

Fel rhan o’r proses profi, derbyn pob un o’r clonau het ysblennydd, camu i’r llwyfan a chanu Calon Lân cyn cael ei gofrestru fel Siaradwr Cymraeg Swyddogol.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn hapus iawn. Mae e’n dechrau defnyddio’r llwyfan yn syth.

– Pam fod y clonau’n derbyn hetie ysblennydd? gofyn Jeff y gath i’w chwaer.

– Bydd yn haws ‘i cyfri nhw yn y strydo’dd, etyb Daf. – Amod cymhorthdal y llywodreth yw e.

“Fel rhan o’r proses profi, derbyn pob un o’r cloniau het ysblennydd.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat continues her plan to create a million Welsh speakers by cloning them in her laboratory.

She has reached an agreement with the famous Bryn Terfel by compromising regarding building a stage in the laboratory.

As part of the testing process, each of the clones will receive a splendid hat, step onto the stage and sing Calon Lân before being registered as an Official Welsh Speaker.

The famous Bryn Terfel is very happy. He starts using the stage straight away.

– Why are the clones receiving splendid hats? asks Jeff the cat to her sister.

– It will be easier to count them in the streets, says Dave – It is a condition of the government grant.

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