October 16, 2024

Yn yr hen ardd, mae cyn-staff y cathod yn edrych allan trwy’r ffenestri’n gegrwth.

Mae pethau wedi gwaethygu.

Mae Eifion Sant, sef Eifion yr octopws, yn ymddwyn fel rêl deyrn o folwsg. Mae e mor drahaus.

Mae’r tatws yn gweld eisiau Daf y gath. Does dim arweinwr gyda nhw dim mwy. Heb neb i’w lywio maen nhw’n ffraeo’n ddi-baid.

Mae Franz Kafka druan wedi rhedeg mas o selsig.

Dim ond Samuel Beckett sy’n hapus. Mae e’n dal i ymguddio y tu fewn i’r piano.

“Heb neb i’w llywio, mae’r tatws yn ffraeo’n ddi-baid.”

Saesneg / English

The old garden

In the old garden, the cats’ former staff look out through the windows open-mouthed.

Things have deteriorated.

Eifion Sant, that is, Eifion the octopus, is behaving like a real tyrant of a mollusc. He is so arrogant.

The potatoes miss Dave the cat. They have no leader any more. With no one to guide them they quarrel incessantly.

Poor Franz Kafka has run out of sausages.

Only Samuel Beckett is happy. He is still hiding inside the piano.

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