October 17, 2024

Does neb wedi dod o hyd i ddim byd hanesyddol o bwys wrth gwneud eu cloddio archaeolegol yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant. Y cwbl maen nhw wedi cyflawni yw gorchuddio’r llyfrau â phridd.

Mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn mynd mas, a dychwelyd wedi rhyw chwarter awr yn cario bag plastig llawn o esgyrn, a sawl carreg anferth.

– Beth yw’r rhain? gofyn Dewi Sant.

– Dwi am adeiladu cromlech a chladdu cwpl o gyn-deidiau. Mae shwd gymaint o egni yn y siop, byddai’n resyn o beth i ni beidio defnyddio fe.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn gyffrous iawn. Mae e’n licio bagiau plastig yn arw.


No one has found anything of historical importance while doing their archaeological excavation in Saint David’s bookshop. All they have achieved is covering the books with soil.

The famous Julian Cope goes out, and returns after about a quarter of an hour carrying a plastic bag full of bones, and several huge stones.

– What are these? asks Saint David.

– I want to build a cromlech and bury a couple of forefathers. There is so much energy in the shop, it would be a shame for us not to use it.

Owain Glyndŵr is very excited. He likes plastic bags very much.

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