October 17, 2024

Mae’r enwog Julian Cope wedi bod yn gosod ei ddamcaniaeth newydd allan i bawb yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant.

Mae e wedi darganfod taw safle cyn-hanesyddol yw siop Dewi sydd yn gorwedd ar ley-line, ac mae e’n benderfynol dylai’r siop gael ei chloddio.

O diar.

Mae rhywun wedi rhoi trywel i Owen Glyndŵr.

Paid â bwyta dy drywel di, Owain!

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae’r trywel eisoes yn ei geg. Lleban yw Owain Glyndŵr.

Am unwaith, mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn bod yn ddefnyddiol. Mae Julian Cope a’i het Almaenaidd wedi gwneud argraff gref arno fe, ac mae e’n breuddwydio am ddechrau band jazz-funk sanctaidd newydd gyda’r arch-ddrŵd. Mae e’n crafu ymlaen gyda’i drywel yn amyneddgar.

Mae Daf y gath yn syllu ar y rhych archwiliadol sydd wedi cael ei agor ger y llyfrau garddio. Mae’n edrych fel lle cyffyrddus i gael cyntun bach. Ond mae problem. Mae Dewi Sant meddw eisoes wedi pasio mas ynddo fe.

Saesneg / English


The famous Julian Cope has been expounding his new theory to everyone in Saint David’s bookshop.

He has discovered that Dewi’s shop is a pre-historic site which lies on a ley-line, and he is determined that the shop should be excavated.

Oh dear.

Someone has given Owen Glyndŵr a trowel.

Don’t eat your trowel, Owain!

But it’s too late. The trowel is already in his mouth. Owain Glyndŵr is a moron.

For once, the famous Bryn Terfel is being useful. Julian Cope and his German hat have made a strong impression on him, and he dreams of starting a new holy jazz-funk band with the arch-drude. He patiently scratches away with his trowel.

Dave the cat stares at the exploratory trench that has been opened up near the gardening books. It looks like a comfortable place to have a little snooze. But there is a problem. A drunk Saint David has already passed out in it.

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