October 17, 2024

O’r diwedd, mae trip seicedelig Jeff y gath yn dod i ben wrth i effeithiau’r catnip cryf leihau.

– We ti bant am ddyddie, meddai Daf y gath, cyn troi’n ôl at lyfu ei phen ôl..

– Pwy wyt ti? gofyn Jeff mewn dryswch. – Pwy ydw i? Ac yn bwysicach fyth, pwy yw e?

Mae dyn tal, a gwallt hir iddo, yn y gegin.

– Yr enwog Julian Cope ydw i, meddai’r enwog Julian Cope, – ac mae damcanieth ‘da fi.

Saesneg / English


Finally, Jeff the cat’s psychedelic trip comes to an end as the effects of the strong catnip wear off.

– You were off for days, says Dave the cat, before turning back to licking her bottom..

– Who are you? asks Jeff in confusion. – Who am I? And more importantly, who is he?

A tall man, with long hair, is in the kitchen.

– I am the famous Julian Cope, said the famous Julian Cope, – and I have a theory.

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