October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi ail stocio ei siop lyfrau. Ond mae prinder o bapur ac felly mae prinder o lyfrau.

Ond mae rhai llyfrau’n cael eu hargraffu o hyd.

Mae Daf y gath yn syllu ar bentwr o gopïau o’r llyfr “Cwyno a llefain” gan ryw dywysog neu’i gilydd. Mae’r llyfrau’n enfawr achos eu bod nhw’n cynnwys llawer o gwyno.

– Byddai’r rheina yn gwneud yn dda fel pyst crafu, meddylia Daf, a dechrau crafu.

Saesneg / English

New stock

Saint David has restocked his bookshop. But there is a shortage of paper and therefore there is a shortage of books.

But some books are still being printed.

Dave the cat is staring at a pile of copies of the book “Complaining and Weeping” by some prince or other. The books are enormous because they contain a lot of complaining.

– Those would do nicely as scratching posts, Dave thinks, and starts scratching.

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