October 17, 2024

Mae hen fenyw wedi dod i siop lyfrau Dewi Sant. Mae hi’n wedi ceisio prynu’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr, ond dyw Dewi Sant ddim am ei werthu.

– Y twpsyn, meddai Daf y gath, – byddai hynny wedi bod yn gyfle da i gael gwared ar y lleban plagus.

– Ond dyfais gomig ddefnyddiol yw e, ymetyb Dewi. – Weithie.

Oedia’r hen sant am eiliad, cyn troi’n ôl at ei gwsmer.

– Hoffech chi ei fenthyg e am sbel?

Felly dyma siop lyfrau Dewi Sant yn troi’n llyfrgell, a dyma’r hen fenyw yn llywio Owain Glyndŵr adref.

Saesneg / English


An old woman has come to Dewi Sant’s bookshop. She has tried to buy the famous Owain Glyndŵr, but Dewi Sant doesn’t want to sell him.

– You idiot, says Daf the cat, – that would have been be a good opportunity to get rid of the annoying buffoon.

– But he is a useful comic device, says Saint David. – Sometimes.

The old saint hesitates for a moment, before turning back to his customer.

– Would you like to borrow him for a while?

So Saint David’s bookshop turns into a library, and the old woman leads Owain Glyndŵr home.

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