October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen a gweddill aelodau Merched y Wawr wedi bod yn trio glanhau uffern. Roedd y lle’n llanast llwyr. Mae cythreuliaid yn fwytawyr blêr.

Ond mae gormod o lanast i’r menywod ddelio gyda fe. Mae angen help.

Dyw’r cathod ddim am helpu. Mae Daf y gath yn alergaidd i helpu, ac mae Jeff ei chwaer yn hela fel arfer.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn penderfynu rhoi galwad i Wasanaethau Glanhau’r Bwystfil. Mae hi’n deialu 666, a chael sgwrs fer hyfryd gyda’r diafol ar ben arall y llinell, ond does neb ar gael i helpu.

Saesneg / English

Number of the Beast

Santes Dwynwen and the rest of the members of Merched y Wawr have been trying to clean hell. The place was a complete mess. Demons are messy eaters.

But there is too much mess for the women to deal with. Help is needed.

The cats don’t want to help. Dave the cat is allergic to help, and Jeff her sister is hunting as usual.

Saint Dwynwen decides to call the Beast’s Cleaning Services. She dials 666, and has a lovely short chat with the devil on the other end of the line, but no one is available to help.

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