October 17, 2024

Doedd y tân yn y bwyty ddim yn rhy ddifrifol. Diolch byth. Ond gan fod y tostiwr wedi toddi, does dim modd i’r enwog Bryn Terfel goginio rhagor.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr am roi cynnig ar wneud brechdan.

– Fydd e ddim yn saff gyda chyllell, meddai Daf y gath wrth Dewi Sant.

– Pwynt teg, etyb Dewi Sant. – Gad iddo fe ddefnyddio ei fysedd. Fydd neb yn byta hi ‘ta beth.

Ond mae Owain Glyndŵr wedi dod o hyd i gyllell yn barod.

Ar ôl ychydig o funudau, mae menyn dros y lle i gyd, mae caws ar y llawr, ac mae darnau o fara yng nghlustiau Owain Glyndŵr. Byddai’n deg dweud nad yw Owain Glyndŵr wedi meistroli‘r proses o wneud brechdan.

Saesneg / English


The fire in the restaurant was not too serious. Thank goodness. But since the toaster has melted, there is no way for the famous Bryn Terfel to cook anymore.

Owain Glyndŵr wants to try making a sandwich.

– He won’t be safe with a knife, says Dave the cat to Saint David.

– Fair point, says Saint David. – Let him use his fingers. No one will eat it anyway.

But Owain Glyndŵr has already found a knife.

After a few minutes, there is butter all over the place, there is cheese on the floor, and there are pieces of bread in Owain Glyndŵr’s ears. It would be fair to say that Owain Glyndŵr has not mastered the process of making a sandwich.

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