Hyd yn oed yn uffern, mae cangen Merched y Wawr.
Maen nhw’n cynnig bore coffi traddodiadol, mwy neu lai, ac eithrio eu proceri poeth a’r cythreuliad sydd yn gwneud y te.
– Wes catnip? gofyn Daf y gath, yn ei thafodiaith Sir Benfro gref.
– Na wes, meddai cythraul, mewn tafodiaith debyg.
Pwy a wyddai taw rhai o Sir Benfro yw’r cythreuliaid yn uffern!
Saesneg / English
Coffee morning
Even in hell, there is a branch of Merched y Wawr.
They offer a traditional coffee morning, more or less, except for their hot prockers and the devil who makes the tea.
– Is there catnip? asks Dave the cat, in her strong Pembrokeshire dialect.
– No, says a demon, in a similar dialect.
Who knew that the demons in hell came from Pembrokeshire!