October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant ar y llwyfan yng nghwmni Daf y gath a’r enwog Bryn Terfel, sydd yn meimio gydag ysgubell gan ei fod wedi bwyta ei gitâr fâs.

Mae Jeff y gath wedi hen fynd. Mae ei bongos hi ar y llwyfan hebddi hi. Maen golwg unig iawn arnyn nhw.

Mae’r gig yn mynd yn eitha da ar y cyfan. Does neb yn y gynulleidfa wedi taflu dim byd atyn nhw hyd yn hyn.

Ond mae problem.

Hanner ffordd trwy’r set, mae Dewi Sant yn anghofio geiriau gweddill y caneuon i gyd.

O diar.

Erbyn hyn, dim ond peiriant drymiau Daf y gath sydd yn cadw’r perfformiad i fynd, wrth i Dewi Sant fwmian i’r meicroffon.

Am lanast. Unwaith eto.

Saesneg / English


Saint David is on stage with Dave the cat and the famous Bryn Terfel, who is miming with a broom as he has eaten his bass guitar.

Jeff the cat is long gone. Her bongos are on stage without her. They look very lonely.

The gig is going quite well on the whole. No one in the audience has thrown anything at them so far.

But there is a problem.

Halfway through the set, Saint David forgets the words to all the rest of the songs.

Oh dear.

By this time, only Dave the cat’s drum machine is keeping the performance going, as Saint David mutters into the microphone.

What a mess. Once again.

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