October 17, 2024

Heno, bydd gig y band jazz-funk sanctaidd mewn neuadd bentref ar ochr mynydd. Mae’r tywydd yn gas.

Maen nhw’n cael eu croesawu gan hen ddyn mewn siwmper liwgar, sydd yn dweud bod system PA “a phopeth” yn y neuadd.

Does dim “popeth”.

Mae peiriant carioci a hen deledu. Dyna i gyd.

Mae Jeff y gath yn tapio ei bongos yn ddiawydd cwpl o weithiau, cyn ymddiswyddo o’r band a mynd i hela beth bynnag allai fod ar gael ar y mynydd.

Mae’r gwiriad sain yn dorcalonnus o wael. Dim ond thema Sam Tân gall y peiriant carioci ei chwarae. Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn hapus iawn, gan ei fod e’n hoff iawn o Sam Tân. Mae e’n rhedeg o gwmpas yn esgus bod yn injan tân.

Efallai bydd rhaid iddyn nhw chwarae gig acwstig heno.

Saesneg / English

Village hall

Tonight, the holy jazz-funk band’s gig will be in a village hall on the side of a mountain. The weather is nasty.

They are welcomed by an old man in a colourful jumper, who says there is a PA system “and everything” in the hall.

There is no “everything”.

There is a karaoke machine and an old TV. That’s all.

Jeff the cat half-heartedly taps her bongos a couple of times, before resigning from the band and going hunting whatever might be available on the mountain.

The soundcheck is heartbreakingly bad. The karaoke machine can only play the theme from Fireman Sam. The famous Bryn Terfel is very happy, as he really likes Fireman Sam. He runs around pretending to be a fire engine.

They may have to play an acoustic gig tonight.

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