October 17, 2024

Mae dadl ymhlith y cymylau.

Fel pob un band arall, mae Dewi Sant, y cathod a’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn dadlau am beth ddylen nhw wisgo ar y llwyfan.

Mae Dewi Sant yn bendant dylen nhw wisgo rhyw fath o iwnifform. Does dim ots gyda’r cathod. Ond mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn gyndyn o roi’r gorau i’w dun rhostio newydd na’i y-fronts gan ei fod wedi dod yn body-positive.

Mae Angel yr Arglwydd yn disgyn a sefyll gerllaw.

Wel, dyna syndod.

Er syfrdandod pawb, mae hi’n rhoi pâr o y-fronts a thun rhostio o’r maint cywir yr un iddyn nhw.

Problem wedi’i datrys.

Saesneg / English

Band outfit

There is argument amidst the clouds.

Like every other band, Saint David, the cats and the famous Bryn Terfel are arguing about what they should wear on stage.

St David is adamant they should wear some sort of uniform. The cats don’t care. But the famous Bryn Terfel is reluctant to give up his new roasting tin or his y-fronts as he has become body-positive.

The Angel of the Lord descends and stands nearby.

Well, there’s a surprise.

To everyone’s amazement, she gives them each a pair of y-fronts and a roasting tin of the correct size.

Problem solved.

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