October 17, 2024

A Jeff y gath newydd gyrraedd yr anial, mae un o blanhigion ffa Dewi Sant yn dechrau tyfu’n wyllt.

Cyn bo hir, mae pen y planhigyn wedi’i guddio yn y cymylau.

Ffeuen hudolus oedd hi! Wrth gwrs yr oedd hi.

– Rhaid i ni neud y peth mwyaf amlwg, meddai Dewi Sant.

– Rhoi dy drowsus ar dân? gofyn Jeff yn obeithiol.

Mae Dewi’n anwybyddu diffyg o barch y gath galico fach.

– Ymlân a ni! Gadewch i ni ddringo!

– Gyda’r bongos? gofyn Jeff yn anobeithiol.

– Gyda’r bongos!

– A’r peiriant drymiau? gofyn Daf. Dyw hi ddim am glywed yr ateb.

– Wrth gwrs. Lan â ni!

Saesneg / English

Bean plant

With Jeff the cat having just arrived in the wilderness, one of Saint David’s bean plants starts to grow wildly.

Soon, the top of the plant is hidden in the clouds.

It was a magic bean! Of course it was.

– We must do the most obvious thing, says Saint David.

– Set your trousers on fire? asks Jeff, hopefully.

Saint David ignores the little calico cat’s lack of respect.

– On we go! Let’s climb!

– With the bongos? Jeff asks hopelessly.

– With the bongos!

– And the drum machine? asks Dave. She doesn’t want to hear the answer.

– Of course. Up we go!

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