October 17, 2024

Ar ôl i’r storm orffen, mae Dewi Sant a Daf y gath yn teimlo’n ddiflas. Maen nhw’n socan a chrynu gydag oerni.

Ond beth yw hynny ar y gorwel?

Dyna siâp arall.

Siâp dynol yw e?

Nac ydy. Rhywbeth ar bedair coes sydd yn llusgo pâr o bongos yw e.

Dyma Jeff y gath, wedi cyrraedd yr anial!

O na, meddylia Daf, bydd pawb o’r ardd yma cyn bo hir.

Saesneg / English

After the storm is over, St David and Dave the cat feel miserable. They are soaking and shivering with cold.

But what is that on the horizon?

There’s another shape.

Is it a human shape?

No. It’s something on four legs which is dragging a pair of bongos.

It’s Jeff the cat, who has arrived in the wilderness!

Oh no, thinks Dave, everyone from the garden will be here soon.

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