October 17, 2024

Mae hi wedi bod yn braf yn ddiweddar, ac mae Dewi Sant a Daf y gath wedi bod yn cael amser da yn yr anial heb bawb arall o’r ardd.

Mae Daf bron wedi anghofio am ei band jazz-funk, ac mae Dewi wedi llwyddo i dyfu cwpl o blanhigion ffa.

Yn ffodus, mae Daf wedi dod â bag enfawr o Dreamies gyda hi.

Mae hi’n dechrau bwrw glaw.

Yna, mae storm yn dechrau. Does dim lloches ar gael.

– Dwi bach yn wlyb, meddai Daf.

Mewn gwirionedd, mae Daf yn socan.

Saesneg / English

It has been nice recently, and Saint David and Dave the cat have been having a good time in the wilderness without everyone else from the garden.

Dave has almost forgotten about her jazz-funk band, and Dewi has managed to grow a couple of bean plants.

Fortunately, Dave has brought a huge bag of Dreamies with her.

It starts to rain.

Then, a storm begins. There is no shelter available.

– I’m a bit wet, says Dave.

In fact, Dave is soaking.

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