October 17, 2024

Yn yr anial, mae Dewi Sant yn digalonni. Mae ei ymdrechion i fraenaru’r tir wedi bod yn aflwyddiannus.

Ond beth yw hynny yn y pellter?

Siâp dynol yw e, efallai?

Nac ydy. Daf y gath yw e. Mae hi hefyd wedi dod i’r anial.


Mae Daf y gath wedi cael hen ddigon o’r enwog Bryn Terfel a’i y-fronts, ac mae hi’n chwilio am gitarydd bas newydd i’w band jazz-funk.

Saesneg / English


In the wasteland, Saint David is in despair. His efforts to cultivate the land have been unsuccessful.

But what is that in the distance?

Is it a human shape, maybe?

No. It is Dave the cat. She has also come to the wilderness.


Dave the cat has had quite enough of the famous Bryn Terfel and his y-fronts, and she is looking for a new bass guitarist for her jazz-funk band.

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