October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi derbyn peiriant newydd trwy’r post. Eric yw ei enw e.

Robot â deallusrwydd artiffisial yw Eric.

Yn syth bin, mae Dewi Sant yn sylweddoli nad oes angen arno fe ysgrifennu rhagor o bregethau. Gall Eric wneud y cwbl lot. Mae’r strwythur yn syml: darn o’r Beibl, ychydig o gyffredinoli, cwpl o fygythiadau.

Ond mae gwaith pwysig arall i Eric ei wneud. Mae Daf y gath yn gofyn iddo fe greu rysáit cwstard newydd er mwyn i Santes Dwynwen peidio gwenwyno pawb yn yr ardd.

Mae Eric yn camddeall a gwneud het.

Saesneg / English

Artificial Intelligence

Dave the cat has received a new machine in the post. Its name is Eric.

Eric is a robot with artificial intelligence.

Right away, Saint David realises that there is no need for him to write any more sermons. Eric can do it all. The structure is simple: a passage from the bible, a few generalisations, a couple of threats.

But Eric has another important job to do. Dave the cat asks him to create a new custard recipe so that Saint Dwynwen doesn’t poison everyone in the garden.

Eric misunderstands and makes a hat.

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