October 17, 2024

Mae’r staff wedi mynd i’r siopau.

Maen nhw wedi prynu anrheg i’r cathod. Canolfan hamdden amryliw i gathod yw’r anrheg, gyda llawer o weithrediadau er mwyn eu diddori nhw.

– Beth yw hwnna? meddai Daf y gath, heb ddiddordeb.

– Sai isie fe, meddai Jeff y gath, a bant â hi.

Saesneg / English


The staff have gone to the shops.

They have bought a present for the cats. The gift is a multi-coloured leisure centre for cats, with many activities to keep them interested.

– What’s that? asks Dave the cat, uninterested.

– Don’t want it, says Jeff the cat, and off she goes.

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