October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn cuddio o dan ei fan, rhag ofn i’r Esgob ei chosbi hi. Ond mae’r Esgob am gosbi Dewi Sant achos taw fe yw cynhyrchwr y fideos sensitif.

Ond mae Jeff ei chwaer yn gwylio’r tân gwyllt gyda phaced o bopcorn.

Mae’r Esgob yn tynnu drws sied Dewi Sant oddi ar ei golfachau a rhuthro i mewn. Mae llawer o weiddi. Mae pethau amrywiol yn hedfan allan o’r drws.

Dyma deipiadur Dewi mewn tri darn. Dyma beth sydd ar ôl o’i deledu.

Mae’r Esgob yn dinistrio popeth yn ei lid.

Ac yna, fe ddaw’r drewdod.

O na.

Yn ei lid, mae’r Esgob wedi colli rheolaeth o’i goludd.

Annwyl ddarllenwr, dalwch eich trwyn.

Saesneg / English

Video business, part 3

Dave the cat is hiding under her van, in case the Bishop punishes her. But the Bishop wants to punish Saint David because he is the producer of the sensitive videos.

But Jeff her sister is watching the fireworks with a packet of popcorn.

The Bishop pulls the door of St David’s shed off its hinges and rushes inside. There is a lot of shouting. Various things fly out the door.

Here is Dewi’s typewriter in three pieces. Here is what is left of his television.

The Bishop is destroying everything in his rage.

And then, the stench comes.

Oh no.

In his rage, the Bishop has lost control of his bowels.

Dear reader, hold your nose.

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