October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi am wneud tamaid bach o arian trwy werthu tapiau fideo o’i fan.

Mae hi wedi dod o hyd i stash o dapiau y tu mewn i sied Dewi Sant. Does dim labeli arnyn nhw, ac maen nhw braidd yn llychlyd.

Tapiau Betamax yw’r tapiau.

– Bydd dy farchnad di’n fechan, meddai Jeff y gath wrth ei chwaer.

– Ma pobl yn casglu pob math o bethe, wnei di weld, mae Daf yn ymateb.

Saesneg / English

Video business, part 1

Dave the cat has had an idea for a new venture. She wants to make a little bit of money by selling video tapes from her van.

She has found a stash of tapes inside St David’s shed. There are no labels on them, and they are a bit dusty.

The tapes are Betamax tapes.

– Your market will be tiny, says Jeff the cat to his sister.

– People collect all kinds of things, you’ll see, Dave responds.

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