October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn chwilio am ysbrydoliaeth.

Does dim ysbrydoliaeth yn sied Dewi Sant. Mae llawer o bethau erchyll, ond dim ysbrydoliaeth.

Does dim ysbrydoliaeth ym mheiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen chwaith. Mae llawer o gwstard erchyll, ond dim ysbrydoliaeth.

Does dim ysbrydoliaeth yn nhŷ bychan Franz Kafka. Mae llawer o selsig erchyll, ond dim ysbrydoliaeth.

Yn olaf, mae hi’n edrych y tu mewn i’r piano. Yn sicr bydd ysbrydoliaeth y tu mewn i’r piano.

Does ‘na ddim. Mae Samuel Beckett a’i hoff fanana y tu fewn i’r piano, ond dim ysbrydoliaeth.

Weithiau, mae’r catnip yn hanfodol.

Saesneg / English

Dave the cat is looking for inspiration.

There is no inspiration in St David’s shed. There are lots of horrible things, but no inspiration.

There is no inspiration in St. Dwynwen’s custard machine either. There’s lots of horrible custard, but no inspiration.

There is no inspiration in Franz Kafka’s little house. There are lots of horrible sausages, but no inspiration.

Finally, she looks inside the piano. There will surely be inspiration inside the piano.

There’s not. Samuel Beckett and his favourite banana are inside the piano, but no inspiration.

Sometimes, catnip is essential.

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