October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn darllen adroddiad yr Esgob am Dewi Sant, sydd wedi cael ei gyhoeddi heddiw. Un damniol yw’r adroddiad.

Mae’r adroddiad yn cyhuddo Dewi Sant o bob math o bethau. Mae cant y cant o’r cyhuddiadau’n wir.

Mae’r Esgob am anfon Dewi i blwyf arall ymhell i ffwrdd. Nid yw Dewi am fynd.

– Beth am i fi wisgo lan fel ti? gofyn Daf i Dewi. – Sa i byth ‘di rhedeg plwyf o’r blân.

A dyna Daf y gath, ar ei ffordd i’w phlwyf cyntaf fel Daf y gweinidog.

Saesneg / English

A damning report

Dave the cat is reading the Bishop’s report about Saint David, which has been published today. The report is damning.

The report accuses David Sant of all sorts of things. One hundred percent of the accusations are true.

The Bishop wants to send Saint David to another parish far away. Saint David doesn’t want to go.

– How about I dress up like you? Dave asks Saint David. – I’ve never run a parish before.

And there goes Dave the cat, on her way to her first parish as Dave the minister.

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