October 17, 2024

Tra bod Dewi Sant, Jeff y gath ac Owain Glyndŵr yn Llundain, mae Daf y gath yn adfer o’i chur pen yn sied Dewi o hyd.

Fel gweddill y byd, mae hi wedi gweld llanast o berfformiad yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr ar y teledu. Does neb yn gwybod beth sydd wedi digwydd iddo fe ers hynny. Ond braf oedd cael gweld y Brenin Mawrglustiau â cholandr ar ei ben yn lle coron.

Nawr, mae’r rhaglen yn dangos golygfeydd o bartïon stryd. Mae baner Jac yr Undeb dros y lle i gyd. Ond beth sydd? Mae’r ynfydion i gyd yn gwisgo colandrau ar eu pennau fel coronau amgen mewn teyrnged i’r Brenin Mawrglustiau.

Pryd fydd y gwallgofrwydd ‘ma’n dod i ben? meddylia Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English

Street parties

While Saint David, Jeff the cat and Owain Glyndŵr are in London, Dave the cat is still recovering from her headache in Saint David’s shed.

Like the rest of the world, she has seen the famous Owain Glyndŵr’s shambles of a performance on television. Nobody knows what has happened to him since then. But it was nice to see King Bigears with a colander on his head instead of a crown.

Now, the programme is showing scenes from public parties. The Union Jack flag is all over the place. But what’s this? All the morons are wearing colanders on their heads as alternative crowns in tribute to King Bigears.

When will this madness end? thinks Dave the cat.

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