October 17, 2024

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn hwyr i’w ymarferiadau ar gyfer coroni’r Brenin Mawrglustiau. Does neb yn gwybod ble mae e.

Mae Dewi Sant yn gynddeiriog.

Mae’r hanner-siarc wedi bod yn jyglo gyda’i beli sbwng, er mwyn iddo fe beidio cael torgest ar ôl ei lawdriniaeth ailuno. Mae e’n clywed sŵn erchyll yn dod o du fewn i beiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen.

Pan mae’r peiriant yn gweinyddu ei lwyth nesaf o gwstard, mae Santes Dwynwen yn sylwi taw canu yw’r sŵn sydd yn dod o’i pheiriant.

O na.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn styc y tu mewn iddo fe. Mae’r peiriant wedi gwneud cwstard blas Glyndŵr.

Yn y cyfamser, mae Franz Kafka wedi penderfynu ei fod yn hoff iawn o wneud llawdriniaethau, ar ôl iddo fe drwsio yr hanner-siarc.

Mae e’n sefyll wrth ochr y peiriant, gyda llif yn ei law chwith. Ond does dim angen llawdriniaeth, wedi’r cwbl; mae ffrwydrad, ac mae darnau o beiriant Santes Dwynwen a chwstard blas Glyndŵr dros y lle i gyd.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn eistedd ar y ddaear ynghanol popeth, gyda’i golandr ar ei ben, yn llefain fel plentyn.

Saesneg / English


Owain Glyndŵr is late for his rehearsals for the coronation of King Bigears. Nobody knows where he is.

Saint David is furious.

The half-shark has been juggling with his sponge balls, so that he doesn’t get a hernia after his reunification operation. He hears a horrible noise coming from inside St Dwynwen’s custard machine.

When the machine dispenses its next batch of custard, Saint Dwynwen notices that the sound coming from the machine is singing.

Oh no.

Owain Glyndŵr is stuck inside it. The machine has made Glyndŵr-flavoured custard.

Meanwhile, Franz Kafka has decided that he really likes doing operations, after repairing the half-shark.

He is standing by the side of the machine, with a saw in his left hand. But there is no need for surgery, after all; there is an explosion, and pieces of Saint Dwynwen’s machine and Glyndŵr-flavoured custard are all over everything.

Owain Glyndŵr is sitting on the ground in the middle of everything, with his colander on his head, crying like a child.

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