October 17, 2024

Wedi cael gwared ar yr enwog Bryn Terfel unwaith ac am byth, am ei fod yn mynd i ganu ar gyfer y Brenin Mawrglustiau, mae’r cathod yn rhyfeddu wrth glywed cnocio metelaidd ar y llidiart gefn.

Pwy yw e?

Y tun rhostio yw e!

Mae’r tun rhostio wedi gwrthod cymryd rhan yn y syrcas brenhinol a hawlio annibyniaeth.

– Wes enw gyda ti? gofyn Daf y gath.

– Tun rhostio dw i, meddai’r tun rhostio, sydd yn help mawr.

Saesneg / English

The return of the roasting tin

Having got rid of the famous Bryn Terfel once and for all, because he is going to sing for King Bigears, the cats are surprised to hear a metallic knocking on the back door.

Who is it?

It’s the roasting tin!

The roasting tin has refused to take part in the royal circus and has claimed independence.

– Do you have a name? asks Dave the cat.

– I’m a roasting tin, says the roasting tin, which is a big help.

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