October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn osgoi sancteiddrwydd William Williams Pantycelyn trwy fynd allan i wneud dosbarthiadau yn ei fan. Mae hi wedi cael hen ddigon o ganu, ac at hynny, mae ganddi waith i’w wneud.

Felly mae rhaid i Jeff achub y dydd, ac achub y Dreamies. Yn gyfrinachol, mae hi wedi bod yn adeiladu trebuchet newydd.

Mae hi’n gwahodd William Williams Pantycelyn i eistedd yn sedd cymffi’r trebuchet, ac yna rhoi arwydd clir i Dewi Sant, sydd yn rhyddhau’r rhaff. Mae William Williams Pantycelyn yn hedfan trwy’r awyr i’r pellter.

– Reit, dyna ddiwedd arni, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Goodbye, William Williams Pantycelyn

Dave the cat is avoiding the holiness of William Williams Pantycelyn by going out to make deliveries in her van. She has had enough of singing, and besides, she has work to do.

So Jeff has to save the day, and save the Dreamies. Secretly, she has been building a new trebuchet.

She invites William Williams Pantycelyn to sit in the comfy seat of the trebuchet, and then gives a clear signal to Saint David, who releases the rope. William Williams Pantycelyn flies through the air into the distance.

– Right, let that be an end to it, said Jeff.

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