October 17, 2024

Mae William Williams Pantycelyn wedi troi lan yn yr ardd. Mae e wedi dod â’i organ gludadwy bychain, y mae e’n ei wisgo ar strap lledr dros ei ysgwydd chwith, fel seren bop o’r wythdegau.

Ond nid oes peiriant drymiau yn organ Pantycelyn.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn genfigennus. Hoffai e gael organ gludadwy bychain. Byddai un o’r rheiny yn gweddu’n dda â’i het ysblennydd.

Ond mae pawb yn anwybyddu’r enwog Bryn Terfel heddiw. Maen nhw i gyd wedi’u swyno gan dalent fawreddog William Williams Pantycelyn, sydd nawr yn cyfansoddi campweithiau o emynau ar gyflymder gwyllt.

– Wyt ti’n mynd i neud jôc anweddus? gofyn Daf y gath i’w chwaer.

– Nadw, mae Jeff yn ateb.

– Na finne, meddai Daf yn feddylgar.

Saesneg / English


William Williams Pantycelyn has turned up in the garden. He has brought his tiny portative organ, which he wears on a leather strap over his left shoulder, like a pop star from the eighties.

But there is no drum machine in Pantycelyn’s organ.

The famous Bryn Terfel is jealous. He would like to have a tiny portative organ. One of those would go well with his splendid hat.

But everyone is ignoring the famous Bryn Terfel today. They are all fascinated by the majestic talent of William Williams Pantycelyn, who is now composing masterpieces of hymns at a frantic pace.

– Are you going to make an inappropriate joke? Dave the cat asks her sister.

– No, Jeff answers.

– Nor me, says Dave thoughtfully.

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