October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant o flaen ei well. Mae e wedi cael ei gyhuddo o dalu miloedd o bunnoedd i Santes Dwynwen er mwyn ei chadw hi’n dawel.

Beth yw’r gyfrinach?

Does dim cyfrinach go iawn. Dyw e ddim wedi ei cham-drin hi, na wneud dim byd erchyll tebyg. Dim ond bach o hwyl cawson nhw, ac roedd pawb yn hollol ymwybodol o hyn.

Ond cyrhaeddodd yr Esgob, a phanigiodd Dewi. Mae Dewi Sant yn tueddi i wneud pethau twp pan mae e o dan bwysau. Felly mae e nawr yn y llys, yn wynebu saith mlynedd yn y carchar.

Mae Daf y gath wrth ei bodd. Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi gwario’r cwbl lot ar Dreamies i’r cathod.

Saesneg / English

In court

Saint David is in court. He has been accused of paying Saint Dwynwen thousands of pounds to keep her quiet.

What is the secret?

There is no real secret. He hasn’t abused her, or done anything horrible like that. They only had a little fun, and everyone was fully aware of this.

But the Bishop turned up, and Saint David panicked. Saint David tends to do stupid things when he is under pressure. So he is now in court, facing seven years in prison.

Dave the cat is delighted. Saint Dwynwen has spent the whole lot on Dreamies for the cats.

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