October 17, 2024

Un tro, mae’r staff am geisio mynd â’r cathod am dro ar denynnau.

Mae’r cathod yn hollol yn erbyn y syniad ffôl hwn, ond mae’r staff yn benderfynol. Maen nhw’n hela’r cathod drwy’r tŷ gyda’r thenynnau yn eu dwylo.

Mae Jeff wedi cyrraedd pen ei thennyn. Mae hi’n mynd i ymguddio y tu ôl i’r soffa. Mae Daf hefyd yn mynd i ymguddio, ond mae ei chuddfan y tu fewn i dŵr Mistar Afal Hapus.

Felly pwy sy’n mynd i gyd-deithio gyda’r staff?

– Fe ddo i, meddai Franz Kafka, sydd yn rhyfeddol o fach.

Does gan Franz Kafka ddim ots am fod ar dennyn. Nid dyma fydd y tro cyntaf, wrth gwrs.

Saesneg / English


Once, the staff want to try to take the cats for a walk on a lead.

The cats are totally against this foolish idea, but the staff are determined. They chase the cats through the house with the leashes in their hands.

Jeff has reached the end of her tether. She goes and hides behind the sofa. Dave also goes to hide, but her hiding-place is inside Mister Happy Apple!/ tower.

So who is going to accompany the staff?

– I’ll come, says Franz Kafka, who is surprisingly small.

Franz Kafka doesn’t mind being on a leash. This won’t be the first time, of course.

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