October 17, 2024

Mae Eifion yr octopws wedi cael ei ddedfrydu i oes o garchar am lofruddio Franz Kafka wedi diflaniad Franz Kafka o dun rhostio’r enwog Bryn Terfel.

Mewn gwirionedd, mae Franz Kafka’n dal i fyw. Bwytodd Eifion hudfa a ddefnyddiwyd gan Franz Kafka i dynnu sylw’r octopws llwglyd oddi ar y Kafka go iawn.

Galwodd cyfreithiwr Eifion Franz Kafka fel tyst yn yr achos ond doedd dim ots gyda’r system ffôl. Penderfynodd y system taw cyn-Kafka yw e, er ei fod e’n dal i anadlu, ac roedd angen deddfrydu Eifion i dreulio gweddill ei oes yn y carchar.


Dych chi erioed wedi ceisio cadw octopws mewn cell garchar?

Mae Eifion yn ôl yn yr ardd erbyn amser swper.

Saesneg / English

Life in prison

Eifion the octopus has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering Franz Kafka after Franz Kafka’s disappearance from the famous Bryn Terfel’s roasting tin.

In fact, Franz Kafka is still alive. Eifion ate a decoy used by Franz Kafka to distract the ravenous octopus from the real Kafka.

Eifion’s lawyer called Franz Kafka as a witness in the case but that didn’t matter to the ridiculous system. The system decided that he was an ex-Kafka, even though he was still breathing, and it was necessary to sentence Eifion to spend the rest of his life in prison.


Have you ever tried keeping an octopus in a prison cell?

Eifion is back in the garden by dinner time.

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