October 17, 2024

Mae’n ddiwrnod gwanwynol braf yn yr ardd. Does dim anhrefn am unwaith.

Ond mae’r selsig i gyd wedi mynd. Gall hynny’n golygu dim ond un peth: mae Franz Kafka hefyd wedi mynd. Mae hi fel nad yw e erioed wedi bodoli. Does dim sôn ohono fe.

Arhoswch funud – pam mae tun rhostio’r enwog Bryn Terfel wyneb i waered? A pham mae Eifion yr octopws yn ceisio ei droi e drosodd? Mae e’n gwneud llawer o ymdrech, ond mae’r tun rhostio’n gwrthod symud am ryw reswm.

Aha! Dyma Franz Kafka — sydd yn rhyfeddol o fach — o dan y tun rhostio yng nghwmni ei selsig. Yn amlwg, mae Eifion yr octopws wedi penderfynu taw snac flasus byddai Franz Kafka. Ond nid yw Franz Kafka am fod yn snac flasus; dyna pam ei fod yn dal ei afael yn dynn ar y tun rhostio.

Beth allai fod yn snac flasus amgen i Eifion? Mae rhaid i ni weithredu’n glou, mae Daf y gath yn meddwl.

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae Eifion wedi bod yn llwyddiannus i droi’r tun rhostio wyneb i waered.

Does dim Franz Kafka.

Saesneg / English

It’s a nice spring day in the garden. There is no chaos for once.

But all the sausages have gone. That can only mean one thing: Franz Kafka has also gone. It’s as though he never existed. There is no sign of him.

Wait a minute – why is the famous Bryn Terfel’s roasting tin upside down? And why is Eifion the octopus trying to turn it over? He is making a lot of effort, but the roasting tin refuses to move for some reason.

Aha! Here is Franz Kafka – who is surprisingly small – under the roasting tin with his sausages. Obviously, Eifion the octopus has decided that Franz Kafka would be a tasty snack. But Franz Kafka doesn’t want to be a tasty snack; that’s why he’s holding on tight to the roasting tin.

What could be an alternative tasty snack for Eifion? We have to act quickly, Dave the cat thinks.

But it’s too late. Eifion has been successful in turning the roasting tin upside down.

There is no Franz Kafka.

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