October 17, 2024

Mae Eifion yr octopws ar ben ei ddigon. Mae e wedi dwyn tun rhostio’r enwog Bryn Terfel unwaith eto, ac mae e’n defnyddio’r tun rhostio fel bath.

Mae’r tun rhostio’n gyffyrddus iawn. Felly, mae Eifion yr octopws yn hapus iawn, iawn. Mae Eifion ar ben ei ddigon gyda’r tun rhostio.

Nid yw’r enwog Bryn Terfel ar ben ei ddigon o gwbl. Mae e’n drist iawn. Heb ei dun rhostio, does dim het ysblennydd gydag e bellach, na ddim byd i’w warchod rhag y glaw. Mae e’n llefain.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn teimlo ar ben y byd, fel Eifion. Mae hi’n cael profiad seicedelig ar y catnip.

Saesneg / English

Over the moon

Eifion the octopus is over the moon. He has stolen the famous Bryn Terfel’s roasting tin once again, and he is using the roasting tin as a bath.

The roasting tin is very comfortable. So, Eifion the octopus is very, very happy. Eifion is over the moon with the roasting tin.

The famous Bryn Terfel is not over the moon at all. He is very sad. Without his roasting tin, he has no splendid hat any more nor anything to protect him from the rain. He is weeping.

But Dave the cat feels on top of the world, like Eifion. She is having a psychedelic experience on the catnip.

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