October 17, 2024

Mae gan Daf y gath syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i ddelio cyffuriau o dan y bont ger yr ardd.

– Ond shwd ti mynd i gael gafael ar gyffurie go iawn? gofyn Jeff i’w chwaer.

– Fi ddim, meddai Daf. – Fi’n mynd i gymysgu catnip â blawd, dyna i gyd.

– Cer amdani, ‘te, meddai Jeff.

Ond mae’r fenter yn gwbl aflwyddiannus. Erbyn diwedd y diwrnod, dyw Daf ddim wedi gwerthu dim o’r cyffuriau.

– Man a man i ni gymryd y cyfan, meddai Daf.

– Man a man a mwnci, meddai Jeff.

Mae’r cathod yn gadael am ddimensiwn arall.

Saesneg / English

Might as well

Dave the cat has an idea for a new venture. She is going to deal drugs under the bridge near the garden.

– But how are you going to get hold of real drugs? Jeff asks her sister.

– I’m not, says Dave. – I’m going to mix catnip with flour, that’s all.

– Go on then, says Jeff.

But the initiative is completely unsuccessful. By the end of the day, Dave has not sold any of the drugs.

– We might as well take the lot, says Dave.

– Might as well, says Jeff.

The cats set off for another dimension.

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