October 17, 2024

Mae soffa wedi ymddangos yn yr ardd. Ffoadur o’r saithdegau yw’r soffa, ac yn hollol lwydfelyn.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn hoff iawn o’r soffa newydd. Mae e’n canu caneuon opera iddi hi, wrth wisgo tun rhostio fel het ysblennydd. Mae e’n anwesu’r soffa fel anifail anwes, sydd ddim yn iasol o gwbl.

Ond mae Santes Non yn genfigennus o’r soffa lwydfelyn. Mae hi’n rhoi’r soffa ar dân. Mae’r ardd yn diflannu mewn cwmwl o fwg du.

Wrth i’r mwg glirio, gwele’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn cerdded ling-di-long o gwmpas yr ardd. Mae e’n llefain a galaru colled sydyn ei ffrind newydd.

– Sdim dwyweth amdani, meddai Daf y gath, – dwi angen rhywbeth cryfach na’r catnip heddi.

Saesneg / English


A sofa has appeared in the garden. The sofa is a refugee from the seventies, and completely beige.

Bryn Terfel really likes the new sofa. He sings opera songs to it, while wearing a roasting tin as a splendid hat. He caresses the sofa like a pet animal, which is not creepy at all.

But Santes Non is jealous of the beige sofa. She sets the sofa on fire. The garden disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

As the smoke clears, see the famous Bryn Terfel shambling slowly around the garden. He is weeping and mourning the sudden loss of his new friend.

– There’s no two ways about say it, says Dave the cat, – I need something stronger than the catnip today.

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