October 17, 2024

Ben bore, cyn codiad yr haul, mae Jeff y gath yn dod â gwyfyn anferth i’r ardd wedi noson lwyddiannus o hela. Dwywaith ei maint yw e.

Dyw’r gwyfyn ddim yn hapus o gwbl.

– Ble gest ti hwnna? gofyn Daf y gath i’w chwaer.

– Pam? meddai Jeff a’i cheg yn llawn o lwch gwyfyn.

– Dwi am gael un o rheina. Allen ni ffurfio clwb. Clwb Perchnogion Gwyfynod Cawraidd. Dyna syniad da am fenter newydd. Allen ni ennill tamaid bach o arian.

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr i ystyried pethau felly. Mae cannoedd o wyfynod anferth yn hofran yn fygythiol yn yr awyr uwchben yr ardd.

Saesneg / English

The time of the giant moths

Early in the morning, before sunrise, Jeff the cat brings a huge moth into the garden after a successful night of hunting. It is twice her size.

The moth is not happy at all.

– Where did you get that? Dave the cat asks her sister.

– Why? says Jeff with her mouth full of moth dust.

– I want to get one of those. We could form a club. A Giant Moth Owners’ Club. That’s a good idea for a new venture. We could earn a little bit of money.

But it is too late to consider things like that. Hundreds of enormous moths hover menacingly in the sky above the garden.

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