October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn cael hunllef oherwydd ei gorbryder.

Mae hi ar lwyfan, o flaen cynulleidfa o gannoedd o Gymry di-gymraeg. Mae hi i fod i ddysgu iddyn nhw siarad yr iaith.

Mae hi wedi paratoi adnoddau. Mae hi’n mynd i wneud jig-so mil darn ar fwrdd er mwyn esbonio treigladau.

Ond mae darnau ar goll.

Mae hi’n ceisio dweud rhywbeth wrth y gynulleidfa, ond ni ddaw’r geiriau Cymraeg na Saesneg.

O na. Yn y breuddwyd mae Santes Dwynwen yn hollol ddi-gymraeg! Mae’r gynulleidfa’n dechrau taflu cwstard ati hi.

Mae hi’n deffro mewn chwys oer.

Saesneg / English

Saint Dwynwen’s nightmare

Santes Dwynwen is having a nightmare because of her anxiety.

She is on stage, in front of an audience of hundreds of non-Welsh speaking Welsh people. She is supposed to teach them to speak the language.

She has prepared resources. She is going to do a thousand-piece jigsaw on a table to explain mutations.

But pieces are missing.

She tries to say something to the audience, but neither the Welsh nor English words will come.

Oh no. In the dream Saint Dwynwen is completely non-Welsh speaking! The audience starts throwing custard at her.

She wakes in a cold sweat.

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